
Scott MacHaffie

I am a maker, a software developer, and a volunteer aikido instructor.

I have been a volunteer children's aikido instructor for nine years, and I have taught adult aikido and kiatsu for many years before that. I have also been a volunteer coach for several different childrens' sports.

I have been a professional programmer for over 20 years, and I learned to program 7 years before that. I have an MS in Computer Science from Portland State Univeristy and a BS in Computer Science from the University of Washington. I have focused on human-computer interactions and GUI design throughout my career.

June 4, 2011

I taught two classes today at Portland Code Camp. My slides are available here:

May 17, 2011

I have started posting gluten-free, dairy-free, recipes, on my blog.

Portland Mini Maker Faire

Come and join us at the Portland Mini Maker Faire, September 16-17, 2017.